15 Most Popular FAQ about Plasma (Fibro) Blast

15 Most Popular FAQ about Plasma (Fibro) Blast


We have been giving Plasma Blast Treatment to many customers and have compiled a list of the top 15 most popular questions.

  1. What is Plasma (Fibro) Blast Treatment? Plasma Fibroblast or Plasma Blast is a non-surgical revolutionary skin tightening cosmetic treatment (or soft surgery method) for a perfect facial rejuvenation, using Plasma (the 4th state of matter) instead of a scalpel to shrink, tighten and reduce the volume of excess skin. This innovative treatment will give results which you would normally expect after surgery.
  2. How does Plasma Blast Treatment work? Treatment is delivered using an electronic hand-piece, the plasma pen. This precision device is fitted with an applicator tip (metal probe) which enables the transfer of energy to the skin by utilising the voltage in the air between the device tip and skin to generate a plasma charge. The transfer of energy to the skin takes place only when the applicator tip has a distance of approximately 0.5 mm to the skin, which means it does not come into direct contact with the skin. The visible result of the treatment is a thermal skin reaction, the so-called plasma points. Each plasma spot creates an effect radius that contracts the skin in the immediate vicinity. Due to the optimal arrangement of the dots, an effect grid is created which causes an instant and significant tightening of the targeted area. (The treated area is sublimated (converted directly to vapour) using the plasma beam without damage to the deeper skin or muscle).
    The tissue retraction give results that are comparable to invasive surgery.
  3. What are the benefits of Plasma treatment? Plasma Blast Non-surgical rejuvenation has increased in popularity due to its many advantages over surgery
    One of the major advantages of Plasma is that it offers a much less invasive/expensive alternative to surgery as well as the time it takes to carry out. Other benefits are virtually a pain-free treatment, minimal side effects and downtime, significantly lower cost, and instantly visible NATURAL results.
  4. What areas can be treated with Plasma? 
    1. Non-surgical Blepharoplasty
    2. Eyelid tightening, including lower eyelids and excess upper eyelid skin
    3. Plasma Face-lift and Plasma Neck-lift
    4. Unwanted wrinkles on face – frown lines, crow’s feet, smoker’s lines, lines and wrinkles around the mouth, neck lines etc.
    5. Skin pigmentation, age spots on face or hands, sun spots, melasma, chloasma, freckles
    6. Scarring including stretch marks, Improvement in the appearance of acne scars and post-surgical scars
    7. Skin imperfections, including skin tags and moles
    8. Tightening loose skin on the stomach after pregnancy
  5. How many treatments will I need? In most cases only one treatment is required. However, depending on the area of the face or body being treated and individual conditions and expectations one or two post-treatments may be necessary. Additional treatments can be safely done at 6 to 8 week intervals after initial procedure.
  6. Is the procedure painful? You can experience some mild discomfort, which really depends on your pain threshold. For a comfortable experience we recommend attending your appointment on time to allow the topical anaesthetic application to have the required time to absorb and take effect in the areas you would like to have treated. The topical anaesthetic is applied for 30 mins for the best effect.
  7. Will there be downtime? Downtime depends on your working situation and lifestyle. You can resume your normal work immediately but this does not mean there is no downtime. The tiny plasma flash causes ‘crusts’ to form on the skin giving the distinctive dotting effect. You can also experience significant swelling in the area treated, particularly in the eye area. The swelling will diminish over a 2-5 day period and the crust (brown dots) that occur are gone on average between 5-10 days.They may also be covered over with a specially formulated mineral make-up to reduce their visibility. These are cosmetic issues only, technically there is no real downtime if these visual effects are of no concern to you.
  8. When will I see visible results and how long will the results last? The positive effect of the Plasma Blast treatment is instant and visible during the treatment itself, but will be even more noticeable at 4 weeks with continuing improvement up to 12 weeks.Follow up treatments may be performed after 6 to 8 weeks depending on your skin’s healing. Plasma Skin Tightening is more than a simple tightening treatment, skin is actually removed, so the effects should last as long as they would with invasive surgery. Like any surgical or cosmetic procedures, the effects of Plasma treatment are not entirely permanent and wont stop the ageing process. However, the results you get should last you for many years.
    Depending on the individual skin type and life-style, the result can last for up to two-five years or more. Negative lifestyle choices such as too much sun, smoking, excess alcohol consumption are discouraged in order to maintain lasting results. Aftercare and maintenance is possible at any time.
  9. Are there any risks/side effects? Plasma Skin Tightening has been shown to be a safe procedure in thousands of patients due to its non-invasive nature. However, as with most cosmetic procedures, patients are likely to experience some minor side effects in the first 5 to 10 days after treatment. The entire treatment area will have small but visible brown dotted marks, which will begin to shed naturally over the course of 5-10 days. Some patients will also experience 3 to 5 days of swelling, especially with eyelid treatments. To avoid any more serious side effects such as hyper-pigmentation, follow the aftercare instruction given to you prior to your treatment.Overall, the treatment is low in complications, and virtually painless thanks to the pre-treatment numbing cream.
  10. Am I suitable for Plasma treatment? We strive to ensure that all our treatments are offered only to people who will see the benefits. To ensure this we recommend you attend a consultation appointment a minimum of 2 days before treatment can be scheduled, so we can cover all elements that could impact your result.
    Plasma is a very safe and effective treatment, however is not suitable for everyone. There are certain medical conditions and skin types which do not react well. We will assess this on an individual basis at your consultation visit and give full reasons to you if you are not eligible.

    1. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not get a treatment
    2. If you have any metal plates, pins or other implants
    3. Cardio-vascular deficiencies including severe uncontrolled blood pressure
    4. If you have a Pacemaker or any other medical device with an electrical current
    5. Current or recent haemorrhage
    6. Malignancy and chemotherapy in the past 3 years
    7. If you are susceptible to hypertrophy scarring or celluloid formation
    8. If you suffer from auto-immune disease or other illnesses which affect the immune system
  11. Do I need a Consultation? Yes, we will assess your suitability for treatment, discuss your skin concerns and needs and expectations. Pictures will be taken of all areas to be treated. These images will not be shared or used without your consent. You will be given a detailed description of the treatment process step by step, including pictures of previous procedures and videos to ensure you are well informed. Only after your full assessment can we discuss treatment cost. Individual costs varies depending on area, intensity, and tailor made treatment packages.Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not get a treatment.
  12. How can I prepare for my treatment?The most important preparation you may want to consider is your time during the first week following your treatment. Give careful thought before scheduling your appointment. Ensure you have no important meetings to attend, special occasions or school runs etc. You may wish to arrange your appointment during annual leave, especially if your job requires you to look presentable e.g. teachers/public facing roles. This is important as it is likely that you will prefer to stay at home until all of the brown crusts and swelling has subsided and you look more like yourself. However this may not be an issue to you if the visual effects of the treatment are of no concern.Please attend your appointment with clean skin no moisturiser, makeup/tanning products on the treatment area, esp no mascara on lashes if the eye area is being treated.You may wish to wash your hair on the morning of your treatment as the treatment area cannot get wet for the full week following the procedure.If you are having an upper and lower eye-lift treatment on the same day, it is advisable to make arrangements not to drive yourself.
  13. What can I expect on the day of my appointment? A numbing cream is applied to the treatment area and left to take effect for 30 mins. During this numbing period, consent forms will be given to you to complete. There will also be plenty of time to further discuss treatment and answer any questions you may have. When the area is sufficiently numb the treatment will begin. During the treatment you will feel some heat and minor irritation, but minimal or no pain! Treatment time can last from 45 minutes (incl numbing period) and up to several hours depending on the size of the treatment area. You will be provided with aftercare instruction and a review appointment will be scheduled for 6 weeks later.
  14. How long will the appointment last? A minimum of 1 hour will be allocated. This allows for adequate numbing time (30 mins) Depending on the area of the body, the treatment can take between 10 and 45 minutes ( longer in some cases for larger areas of the body).
  15. Is there any aftercare required? Yes. During your first appointment you will be given aftercare instructions. Following these instructions is critical for best results. Complications or negative effects will not be caused by the device (and highly unlikely by the technician either) but more likely as a result of failure in complying with aftercare instruction. Aftercare with unsuitable products are often the chief culprits where a negative aspect of any kind occurs. You will be provided with a detailed aftercare plan at your first appointment.

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